Caspian Gull L. cachinnans

This 3rd winter Caspian Gull alongside two Herring Gulls was
photographed on 8
November 2001 at Lauwersoog
harbour in the province
of Groningen
(with rain and winds up to 9 Beaufort from the North). Although the bird could
go through life as a 4th winter it still showed some dark spots on the tailfeathers. Also the rather dark bill fits better on a
3rd winter. The primaries are adult-looking but there is a dark smudge visible
on the greater coverts. The legs are pale pink with a hint of yellow. It is
most likely the returning bird on this location from last year and very likely
also from the year before that. See therefore this page
(as 2nd winter in 2000-2001) and this page
(as 1st winter in 1999-2000). The 2nd winter bird also showed a dark bill but
compare the dark spot on the bill in the pictures below.

Compare the
different headshapes of this bird in the picture
above (alert and very CG-like) and on the left (more at rest). In the left
picture the grey iris is visible.
The picture below shows last years bird. Compare
the shape of the dark spot on the upper and lower mandible…

In flight the bird reveals
its immaturity by the dark smudges on the greater primary coverts whilst the
primaries already show the adult markings including the grey 'tongues'
protruding into the black of the primaries. Note the firm black band on P5 and
the black spot on P4

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